Comparison table of advantages and disadvantages of vertical and horizontal powder coating lines for

time:2024-04-18   visitor:12

Line type

Horizontal powder coating line

Vertical Powder Coating Line


Ordinary chain

Power and free chain

Closed track hanging chain

Typical annual   production/t




Typical footprint/m²

1200   (without pretreatment)

400  (without pretreatment)

1200  (without pretreatment)


1. The   structure of conveyor chain is simple and easy to maintain;

2. Hanger pitch can be flexibly adjusted according to the length of aluminum profiles

The conveyor consists of a traction track and a load-bearing track, which can branch, detach, transfer and store aluminum profiles, thus, making the curing oven, loading and unloading areas have a large footprint.

1. Pretreatment- powder spraying- curing in one, high degree of automation, in the case of the same chain speed and covers an area of roughly the same, the output is 4-5 times that of the horizontal line;

2. Good liquid dripping of pre-treatment, less chemical and water consumption;

3. In the spray booth, the aluminum profile can be rotated by 4×90°.


1. Large floor space, low output per unit area;

2. Long curing oven, high energy consumption per unit output;

3. It is difficult to set up a continuous production line with the pre-treatment group, requiring more production workers;

4. Large film thickness difference of aluminum profiles, generally up to ±20μm;

5. Higher operating costs due to higher energy consumption, chemical consumption, powder consumption and labor cost.

1. Requires a high level of maintenance for the transporter.

2. It is difficult to set up a continuous production line with the pre-treatment group, requiring more production workers;

3. Large film thickness difference of aluminum profiles, generally up to ± 20μm;

4. Higher operating costs due to higher energy consumption, chemical consumption, powder consumption and labor cost.

1. Large initial investment in equipment;

2. Requires better management

Typical consumption  

Degreasing agent: 6kg

Chromating agent: 4kg

Water consumption: 10t

Powder consumption: 45kg

Oil consumption: 80kg

Electricity consumption: 180kW▪h

Degreasing agent: 6kg

Chromating agent: 4kg

Water consumption: 10t

Powder consumption: 45kg

Oil consumption: 70kg

Electricity consumption: 60kW▪h

Degreasing agent: 3kg

Chromating agent: 3kg

Water consumption: 4t

Powder consumption: 38-40kg 

Oil consumption: 80kg

Electricity consumption: 50-60kW▪h 

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