Powder Coating Line for Trust Worthy Gensets Maker in Russia

time:2016-01-29   visitor:293

Type: Powder coating line

Business: Power Generator

Process :Load----Powder Spraying (Automatic +Manual) ----Powder Curing(180-200℃ 20min Hot Air Circulating)----Cooling ---- Unload

Powder Coating Line for Trust Worthy Gensets Maker in Russia
Inmesol 25 years producing and developing gensets, light towers and motor welding sets.
Inmesol is an important manufacturer of power generators in a period of industrial maturity; 
it is present in a large number of markets and continues to multiply its production capacity.
Inmesol products are all over the world. They also made great contribution to the Sochi Olympic Games.
We just built them a powder coating line.  

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Industrial Park,Xiaoji Town,Jiangdu District,
Yangzhou City,Jiangsu Province,China


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